Why Your Deodorant Is Trying To Kill You!

Sweating is perfectly normal and totally good for you. So why does something that’s good for you, have to smell so bad? At STUPiT FRESH, we've found a way to remove the nasty smelling dirt and bacteria that’s living deep in your pores and not just cover it. With routine use of our detoxifying mask, you won’t have to sneak-a-sniff to make sure your armpit is still smelling fresh. Say bye-bye to stinky pits!

healthy woman in bikini showing breasts and armpit because no cancer
healthy woman in bikini showing breasts and armpit because no cancer

Detoxify. Eliminate. Stay Fresh. For Good!

Calamansi - A Superfruit Badass!

You know, back in the pre-deodorant days, everyone I knew and their mommas would rub these calamansi fruits on their armpits as a way to kill body odor and to smell squeaky clean. Who would've thought this tiny superfruit could pack such a punch and help boost our confidence. Totally rad right!

The Calamansi fruit is predominantly cultivated in the islands of the Philippines where it thrives due to its perfect climate year round. It has long been regarded as the country's best-kept secret.

Amazing Health Benefits of Calamansi:

Rich in Vitamin C - 30 times more vitamin C than lemons and limes. Essential for immune system support, immunity booster and collagen production.

Rich in Antioxidants - a natural detoxifier that helps flush out toxins, neutralize free radicals and protect cells from oxidative stress.

Skin Health - applying calamansi topically can promote skin health by lightening dark spots, reducing acne, blemishes and improving overall skin complexion.

Natural Deodorizer and Antiseptic - can be used to combat body odor, useful for cleaning wounds and preventing infections.

Natural Exfoliator - because of its acidic properties, it can effectively remove the dead skin cells from the top layer of our skin, revealing the fresh layer of cells beneath. Resulting in a softer, smoother and glowing skin.

Skin Brightener - the acid helps to reduce dark spots and patches on the skin by working directly on them, therefore giving you an even toned skin - free of discoloration and blemishes.

Alkalizing Effect - once metabolized by the body, it can help balance pH levels.

Reduce Your Risk For Cancer & Other Diseases!

We’re not too cool for school here so we're about to drop some knowledge on you. You have multiple lymph nodes in your armpit that are responsible for managing the lymphatic fluids from your boob region (yes that goes for men too!). Majority of the deodorants on the market contain aluminum and harmful chemicals which blocks the sweat glands from sweating out the bad stuff, aka toxins. Although it's still unclear how much aluminum is absorbed in our armpits from deodorants and antiperspirants and how much estrogen receptors are changed, researchers continuously look at the link between breast cancer and aluminum. Doctors recommend breast cancer patients and survivors to switch to aluminum-free products, therefore reducing their risk for cancer.

What they don’t tell you is that switching from chemical to natural deodorants can get pretty smelly... eww! Once your lymph nodes and pores are no longer blocked by the aluminum, you start to sweat out those nasty toxins hence, the stink! That's where STUPiT FRESH comes in to the rescue! Let us help you remove those odor-causing bacteria, deadly chemicals and gain your confidence back so you can stay fresh and stay sexy, for good!

calamansi fruit tree that kills body odor
calamansi fruit tree that kills body odor
sweating and exercising and releasing body odor
sweating and exercising and releasing body odor

Contact Us

people holding shoulders sitting on wall
people holding shoulders sitting on wall

For inquiries about our clay armpit mask detoxifier or other products please email us directly.